
The woolen mills of New England are gone, but a barn in rural Massachusetts has been home to Bedfellows Blankets since 1987. Old industrial looms live their second life weaving cotton and wool blankets. Each loom is a ton and a half of greasy gears, wheels, and pulleys; mechanical innovation that made complex patterns possible.
I am a textile designer and weaver. I weave on 1940s vintage Crompton and Knowles dobby looms, widths ranging from 48″ to 92″. I enjoy working with complex weave structures often using 24 harnesses. For comparison, a standard hand loom has 4 harnesses. Using so many harnesses requires the technology of the power loom, and results in more unusual, intricate patterns. I use the looms as a handweaver does; however, with the flexibility to change patterns and colors as I work.
The patterns I weave are all original designs, but reflect inspiration from textile traditions around the world. Limited edition cotton throws and wool throws are available for purchase. Custom weaving is also available using a customer’s own wool or commercial yarns. The minimum length for custom work is 40 yards.